Instantly repair outdoor gear such as puffy jackets, air mattresses, tents, and sleeping bags!
Tenacious Tape Mini Gear Repair Patches are the the perfect solution for repairs on-the-go. Pre-cut patches allow you to quickly repair small holes in hiking clothing and outdoor gear. Instantly put an end to leaking puffy jackets or quickly repair technical gear fabric. Bring these on your next trip for that extra peace of mind.
You can never predict when your jacket, sleeping bag, air mattress, or tent will get snagged out in the backcountry so be prepared with these mini repair patches! No fumbling around and cutting required- just peel and stick. Goes on very smoothly and stays put thanks to an ultra-strong aggressive adhesive. Small and ultralight for the weight conscious hiker.
Six 1.5" x 2.5" / 38 mm x 64 mm patches
3 Black and 3 Clear
13 g total for patches 8 g for container